About Us
(& creator of this website)
Kelly Wright, Santa Fe, NM USA
An experienced sailing cruiser, the
owner/skipper switched to a power cat
and bought Anna.  He has since
switched back to sail:  see

Home email:  
Multihull Development
Plymouth MA USA
Russell Hunt, President
See:  mdcats.com
Chris White, Dartmouth MA
See:  chriswhitedesigns.com
Last Update:  9 Dec 09
Anna is for sale.  Contact
Russell Hunt at mdcats.com.

For an analysis of the Buzzards
Bay 33, see
Boat Analysis.
The adventures of m/y Anna    -- a Buzzards Bay 33 motor catamaran --
The name of the boat  was
selected for the following
1.  It's the name of the
owner/skipper's mother who,
due to ill health, can no longer
travel, which had been one of
her favorite pastimes.  Perhaps
she'll get some vicarious
pleasure from her namesake's
2.  The name is short and easily
understood in just about any
language, which is important for
VHF communications:
Alpha".  The word "Anna" is a
palindrome -- spelled the same
forward or backwards.

m/y refers to "motor yacht", as
opposed to a sailing yacht or a
motor vessel (which means it is
commercial).  A yacht is a
recreational boat usually at least
28 ft. long.
North Atlantic Yachts
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Contact:   Glen Cairns
See:  northatlanticyachts.com
Suggestions and corrections always welcome
Kelly Wright also maintains a web site
about more recent cruising in a sailboat.  